Sequence-based Hierarchical and Extendable Platform for High-throughput Analysis of Region of Disorder
Authors: Garrett M. Ginell & Alex S. Holehouse
Contact: (g.ginell@wustl.edu)
Holehouse Lab - Washington University in St. Louis
from shephard import general_utilities
import numpy as np
def build_site_density_vector(protein, site_types=None, window_size=30, append_leading_lagging=True):
Function that constructs a sliding-window density vector of sites along
a protein.
site_types is a list of one or site types.
This tool is stateless - i.e. it does not alter the passed protein
but instead only generates a numerical list which could be added as
a track.
protein : shephard.protein.Protein object
Protein object over which sites are identified
site_type : str or list of strings
One or more possible site_types that may be found in the protein.
Either a single string or a list of strings can be passed, allowing
for one or more sites to be grouped together
window_size : int
Size of sliding window over which site density is calculated
append_leading_lagging : Bool
Flag that if true will mean the function returns a numerical vector
equal in length of the protein. If false, will return a shorter
vector and not add leading/lagging values.
Returns a list of values equal to the length of the protein, where
the value at each position reports on the local denisty of sites
averaged over the window_size.
# give ability to take a single string or a list of strings if we wish
# to compare against multype site types
if site_types is not None:
site_types = general_utilities.string_to_list_of_strings(site_types)
nres = len(protein)
# first build an empty vector of 0s equal to the length of the sequence
all_res = [0]*len(protein)
# then for each site assign a '1' to positions where a site exists
for position in protein.site_positions:
sites = protein.site(position)
# if we didn't specifit a site type assume all sites are fair game
if site_types is None:
all_res[position - 1] = 1
# else validate against the set of available sites and IF the site
# matches the requested
# for every site object found at $position
for s in sites:
if s.site_type in site_types:
all_res[position - 1] = 1
# finally we're going to calculate the density of sites from this vector
# note we're treating site presence as a binary phenomenon - ie a residue
# has a site or does not
density_vector = []
for pos in range(0, (nres - window_size)+1):
local_density = np.sum(all_res[pos:pos+window_size])/window_size
# having built a density vector that is nres-window_size+1 in length, we now need to extend the N and C
# termini such that the len(denisty_vector) = len(protein)
# this code creates leading/lagging values to fill in the missing ones such that the actual value
# of the density vector reports on the density half-way across the window_size and the
# track length = nres
leading_values = [density_vector[0]]*int(window_size/2)
lagging_values = [density_vector[-1]]*(nres - (len(density_vector) + len(leading_values)))
# this line then combines the leading, desnity and lagging lists into a single list, and we
# then add this numerical list as a track
final = leading_values + density_vector + lagging_values
return final