Source code for

Sequence-based Hierarchical and Extendable Platform for High-throughput Analysis of Region of Disorder

Authors: Garrett M. Ginell & Alex S. Holehouse
Contact: (

Holehouse Lab - Washington University in St. Louis

import numpy as np
import random
from . import site_tools
from shephard import general_utilities
from shephard import exceptions
from shephard.interfaces.interface_tools import check_protein

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[docs] def domain_overlap(domain_1, domain_2, check_origin=True): """ Given two domains asks if their boundaries overlap. By default this expects the two domains in question to be from the same protein and checks this. If we dont want to enforce this assumption set check_origin to False. Parameters ----------- domain_1 : shephard.domain.Domain The first domain object of interest domain_2 : shephard.domain.Domain The first domain object of interest check_origin : bool Flag that if set to True will cause an exception if domain_1 and domain_2 are from different proteins. If set to false, no such sanity checks are performed. Returns ---------- boolean Returns true if the two domains overlap, else returns false """ if check_origin: if domain_1.protein.unique_ID != domain_2.protein.unique_ID: raise exceptions.DomainException('Examining overlap of %s and %s but these are from different proteins' % (str(domain_1), str(domain_2))) return domain_overlap_by_position(domain_1.start, domain_1.end, domain_2.start, domain_2.end)
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[docs] def domain_overlap_fraction(domain_1, domain_2, check_origin=True): """ Given two domains asks what fraction the shorter domain overlaps the longer one with. Parameters ----------- domain_1 : shephard.domain.Domain The first domain object of interest domain_2 : shephard.domain.Domain The first domain object of interest check_origin : bool (default = True) Flag that if set to True will cause an exception if domain_1 and domain_2 are from different proteins. If set to false, no such sanity checks are performed. Returns ---------- float Returns a float between 0 and 1 that corresponds to what fraction of the shorter domain overlaps with the longer domain. """ if check_origin: if domain_1.protein.unique_ID != domain_2.protein.unique_ID: raise exceptions.DomainException('Examining overlap of %s and %s but these are from different proteins' % (str(domain_1), str(domain_2))) if len(domain_1) < len(domain_2): d_short = domain_1 d_long = domain_2 else: d_short = domain_2 d_long = domain_1 # ......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............ long #...XXXXXXXXXXXX????? short # if d_short.start < d_long.start: if d_short.end < d_long.start: return 0.0 else: return ((d_short.end - d_long.start)+1)/len(d_short) # ......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............. end #. ?????XXXXXXXXXXXX...... short # if d_short.end > d_long.end: if d_short.start > d_long.end: return 0.0 else: # note - the +1 accounts for the fact we're using # an inclusive counting return ((d_long.end - d_short.start)+1)/len(d_short) # if we get here d_short.start equal to or larger than d_long start # and d_short end equal to or smaller than d_long end, so 100% overlap return 1.0
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[docs] def domain_overlap_by_position(boundary_start1, boundary_end1, boundary_start2, boundary_end2): """ Given four sets of starting/ending positions, this function asks if their boundaries overlap. Parameters ----------- boundary_start1 : int Position of domain 1 start boundary_end : int Position of domain 1 end boundary_start2 : int Position of domain 2 start boundary_end : int Position of domain 2 end Returns ---------- boolean Returns true if the two domains overlap, else returns false """ # note we do this swapping around which of the two domains passed as boundaries is 'a' and 'b' in # the visual schematic below for x in [[boundary_start1, boundary_end1, boundary_start2, boundary_end2], [boundary_start2, boundary_end2,boundary_start1, boundary_end1]]: a_start = x[0] a_end = x[1] b_start = x[2] b_end = x[3] # scenario 1 # AAAAAAAA # BBBBBBBBB if a_start <= b_start and a_end >= b_start: return True # scenario 2 # AAAAAAAA # BBBBBBBBB if a_start >= b_start and a_start <= b_end: return True return False
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[docs] def build_missing_domains(protein, new_domain_type = 'missing'): """ Function which takes a protein and builds a set of domains that represent the "empty spaces". Domains are returned as a list of domain dictionaries which can be added to a protein via the add_domains() function. This tool is stateless - i.e. it does not alter the passed protein but instead only generates a numerical list which could be added as a track. One could always combine this directly with the add_domains() function into a single line - e.g. # this line will automatically add all the missing regions as # 'missing' proteins to the domain protein.add_domains(build_missing_domains(protein)) Parameters ----------- protein : shephard.protein.Protein object Protein object over which sites are identified new_domain_type : str (default = 'missing') Name to assign to the 'empty' domains. Returns ------------- list of domain dictionaries Returns a list of domain dictionaries which can be then parsed or added to a protein via the add_domains() function. """ check_protein(protein, 'build_missing_domains()') ## ## NOTE -this function uses i0 indexing to keep things simple and then ## corrects at the end ## # first constrct an empty vector of 0s. We're going to build '1s' into # the positions in the sequence occupied by domains all_res = [0]*len(protein) # for each domain in the protein for d in # for each position in each domain (note this will overwrite # which is fine). NOTE that we cyle from d.start-1 to d.end because # start and end index from real-world positions, but range is a non # inclusive function (while the domain boundaries are inclusive). for i in range(d.start-1, d.end): all_res[i] = 1 # we are now left with an all_res list where the 0s represent regions # not assigned to any domain # if we start inside an empty domain set inside to true if all_res[0] == 0: start = 0 inside=True # else set start to -1 and inside to false else: start = -1 inside=False all_domains=[] # for each position in the sequence (starting at 1 because # we already assessed 0 above. for i in range(1,len(all_res)): # if we find ourselves in an empty space if all_res[i] == 0: if not inside: inside=True start = i # if we fine ourselves in a domain of some kind else: # if we were previously in an empty space if inside: inside = False # not here we're adding in i0 indexing all_domains.append([start, i-1]) # if we ended and were inside when we ended then the last # empty domain spans to the final residue in the sequence if inside: all_domains.append([start,len(all_res)-1]) new_domain_list =[] for d in all_domains: # note the +1 here is so we insert at residue positions # that correctly map to real-space positions (i.e.i1 indexing) # construct a domain dictionary local_domain={} local_domain['start'] = d[0]+1 local_domain['end'] = d[1]+1 local_domain['domain_type'] = new_domain_type new_domain_list.append(local_domain) return new_domain_list
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[docs] def build_domains_from_track_values(proteome, track_name, binerize_function, domain_type, gap_closure = 3, minimum_region_size = 20, extend_ends = None, verbose = True): """ Function which takes a Proteome and builds a set of domains based on values tracks in each Protein in that Proteome. This effectively allows you to discretize some continous variable into distinct local domains, which can often facilitate specific types of analysis. This conversion is done using a custom-passed binerize function which converts a normal track into a track of 0s and 1s. Residues that are assigned a value of 1 will be included in a domain assuming they fall within a contigous region of sufficient size, as defined by the parameters gap_closure and minimum_region_size, as discussed below. This function operates on an entire Proteome-level, and is stateless (i.e. does not directly alter the passed proteome). Instead, the function dictionary where keys are unique_IDs of proteins and values is a list of one or more Domain dictioinaries (with a start, end, and domain_type key:value pair). The domains dictionary can be added to a proteome using the si_domains.add_domains_from_dictionary(). As an example, as possible workflow is as follows: >>> d = build_domains_from_track_values(proteome, 'cool_track', trackfx) >>> si_domains.add_domains_from_dictionary(proteome, d) Under the hood, the function works by cycling through each protein, extracting the track, and converting into domains. If a protein is too short or it lacks a given track, the protein is skipped. Parameters ----------- proteome : shephard.proteome.Proteome The Proteome which is going to be scanned for each track. Note that the underlying Proteome is not altered by this function track_name : string Name of the track to convert. If the track name does not exist in a given protein that protein is skipped. In this way, a Proteome where only a subset of Proteins have tracks can be parsed without issue. The track must be a values track - symbols tracks should be converted to a values track first to avoid issue. binerize_function : function A function which takes a track and converts it to 0 or 1 (binerize, as in, make binary). This enables a complex and continous track to be converted into a binary classification, which is practically what a domain-assigment needs (yes/no inside domain). This function must take in a single variable (the track values) and return a new list or numpy array that is the same length as the track values but possesses only 0 and 1 in each element. domain_type : str String that defines the name of the new domains to create. Can in principle be anything. gap_closure : int (default = 3) Defines spacing between 1s or 0s that will be filled in to generate contigous stretches of 0s or 1s. This helps avoid a scenario where breaks in contigous stretches impede the definition of a domain above a certain size, as defined by minimum_region_size. In general a value of 3 works reasonably well in most scenarios. minimum_region_size : int (default = 20) Defines the smallest size for a domain allowed. This can be varied depending on the question or data, and it may make sense to have corresponding changes in gap_closure if this value becomes substantially larger than a gap_closure of 3. extend_ends : int (default = None) This is a somewhat niche feature which, if set to a number, means that we check the extend_ends-th value at the N- and C-terminus of the binarized track, and if 1 set all values from that position to the N and/or C terminus to 1. This is provided because sometimes binerize functions will inherently struggle with the very ends of sequences, so this provides a way to cast the first and last extend_ends values to be 1. This is fairly specific and probably only worth using in a scenario where there is a clear issue verbose : bool (default = True) This flag enables the function to print statues every 500 proteins. If the binerize function is expensive this can be good to ensure progress is proceeding. Returns ------------- dict Returns a dictionary of key-value pairs, where each key is a unique ID and each value is a list of 1 or more domain dictionaries. This return dictionary can be directly added to a Proteome using the Proteome.add_domains_from_dictonary() function. """ new_domains = {} c = 0 for protein in proteome: # if our protein is too short do not try and generate a domain if len(protein) < 3*gap_closure + 1: continue # this is the counter of proteins we've actually scanned - if # we hit a 500-protein milestone print status if verbose is true c = c + 1 if verbose and c % 500 == 0: print('On %i of %i' %(c, len(proteome))) # safe = false so will return None if no track of that name # found, and if so we continue to next protein t = protein.track(track_name, safe=False) if t is None: continue # extract out the values t = t.values # and apply the binerize function to the values B = binerize_function(t) # add to help debugging if len(B) != len(protein): raise exceptions.DomainException('Binerize function failed to return an array or list that matches the protein sequence length') ## Part 1 - remove gapes for g in range(1, gap_closure+1): # first fill in # for each position i = 0 finished = False while not finished: p1 = i p2 = i + g p3 = i + 2*g p4 = i + 3*g # if the complete set of smaller regions ahead is empty or # fully assigned skip ahead because nothing to do here... if np.sum(B[p1:p4]) == 0: i = p4 elif np.sum(B[p1:p4]) == 3*g: # we jump to the p3 position (and NOT p4) as this allows us to skip along without # discarding positions we need for filling. Note if we know everything is empty # it doesn't matter and we can jump to p4 i = p3 else: # if we have gapsize number of hits if np.sum(B[p1:p2]) == g: # and if a gap away there is another gapsize if general_utilities.numerical_sum(B[p3:p4]) == g: B[p2:p3] = [1]*g i = i + 1 if i + 3*g >= len(B): finished = True ## Part 2 - remove domains that are too small - we adde the '-' caps so we can use # replace and distinguish c/n terminal values B_string = '-' for i in B: if i == 1: B_string = B_string + "1" else: B_string = B_string + "0" B_string=B_string+'-' # for sizes of contigous stretches that are up minimum_region_size + 1 # replace with empty ('0') strings for i in range(1, minimum_region_size + 1): # 011110 -> 000000 B_string = B_string.replace('0' + i*'1' + '0', '0' + i*'0' + '0') # -11110 -> -00000 B_string = B_string.replace('-'+i*'1' + '0', '-'+i*'0' + '0') # 01111- -> 00000- B_string = B_string.replace('0' + i*'1'+'-' , '0'+ i*'0'+'-' ) # -1111- -> -0000- B_string = B_string.replace('-' + i*'1'+'-' , '-'+ i*'0'+'-' ) # 1 to -1 to cut off the artifical caps we added for i in range(1, len(B_string)-1): B[i-1] = int(B_string[i]) ## Part 3 - extend ends if required if extend_ends: # note we don't check length of extend ends initially, so if they're too big for the sequence # dynamicaly resize them so they're 1/2 of the sequence length if extend_ends + 1 >= len(B): extend_ends_val = len(B)/2 else: extend_ends_val = extend_ends if B[extend_ends_val + 1] == 1: B[0:extend_ends_val] = [1]*len(B[0:extend_ends_val]) if B[:-(extend_ends_val + 1)] == 1: B[-extend_ends_val:] = [1]*len(B[0:extend_ends_val]) ## Part 4 - extract domain boundaires local_domains=[] if B[0] == 1: inside = True start = 0 else: inside = False # for each position for idx in range(0,len(B)): i = B[idx] if i == 1: if inside: continue else: inside = True start = idx if i == 0: if inside: inside = False end = idx-1 local_domains.append({'start':start+1,'end':end+1,'domain_type':domain_type}) # if we finished inside if inside: local_domains.append({'start':start+1,'end':len(B),'domain_type':domain_type}) # if we found any local domains... if len(local_domains) > 0: new_domains[protein.unique_ID] = local_domains return new_domains
# used for test example - kept in case we want to expand or update this in # def calculate_domain_length(domain): # """ # Function that returns a domain's length # # Parameters # ------------- # domain : Domain # Domain object in question # # Returns # ------------ # int # Returns the length of the domain # """ # # return len(domain)